Cheat Sheets | GeoPandas

I Made A Python Geopandas Cheat Sheet

Fine, I’ll do it myself.

Drew Seewald
10 min readSep 21, 2023


Image by the author


I spent some time working with geospatial data in Python a while back and kept finding myself wishing I had a quick reference sheet to help speed up the different tasks I was working on. Loading spatial data, joining geometries, and checking if points were included in other geometries were among the most common tasks I had. If there was a cheat sheet for very similar functions in R, why wasn’t there one for GeoPandas in Python? I searched and couldn’t find one, so instead I set out to make my own.

Meme created by the author |

What Makes a Good Cheat Sheet

I’ve seen many cheat sheets pop up on LinkedIn over the years. It seems there is a very wide range of documents that people are willing to call a cheat sheet. Some are a few hundred pages with every machine learning algorithm explained in depth, some are a couple illustrated slides that show of 3 SQL keywords and end with “follow me for more tips!” Whether you find these useful resources or not, my gold standard for what makes a great cheat sheet is the cheat sheets…

