InTDS ArchivebyDrew SeewaldGitHub Desktop for Data ScientistsLess scary than version control in the command lineJul 22, 20212Jul 22, 20212
InTDS ArchivebyDrew SeewaldThe Struggles I Had When Switching from R to PythonLearning to identify your most common mistakes will increase your efficiency tenfoldOct 6, 20202Oct 6, 20202
InTDS ArchivebyDrew Seewald6 Ways to Make Your Data Science Projects Stand OutSimple steps to improve your data science projects and get noticedAug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020
Drew SeewaldLessons Learned From the Election for Data Science and ProgrammingLessons we can take away from the recent election and to improve our data science and programming workNov 10, 2020Nov 10, 2020